Capital Costs
Artist Fees & Casting Costs $ 135,000
Artist Contingency $ 13,500
Artist Sub Total Plus HST $ 148,500
Artist Non-Recoverable HST $ 2,614
Installation @ Jackson Park $ 18,000
Contingency $ 1,386
Total Funds Required $ 170,500

You + Me Sculpture Funding Sources Available
Arts Endowment Fund - Capital Project (7179003) 2018 $ 41,250  
2019 $ 41,528  
2019 $ 61,722 Additional w ithdrawal
Sub-Total $144,500  
International Relations Committee 2013 $ 25,000  
Korean Society 2013 $ 1,000  
Total Funds Available   $ 170,500  

Funding Sources

In 2018, Council directed that a formal Arts Endowment Fund be established and further that a minimum of 1.5% of the annual investment yield be placed in a capital project (Arts Endowment Capital project ID 7179003). The intent of the establishment of a separate capital project was to hold the annual minimum accumulation of investment income which could then be accessed as a funding source for future art related components of a City project. In other words, funds would be transferred out of the Arts Endowment Fund into a capital project which would accumulated until such time as there is an identified arts expenditure. To date, $41,250 was transferred in 2018, representing the minimum transfer of 1.5% of the 2018 investment yield and an additional $41,528 is expected to be transferred in 2019 representing again the