
plaque acknowledging the contribution by the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee and City Council BE ERECTED. In 2019 the 23 new automatic door openers were installed by the project lead.

 The Committee discussed their desire to acknowledge long term commitment to the committee and they agreed to the purchase of a Commemorative Bench and a Commemorative Tree to honour two deceased members who had a long term commitment and devoted great deal of time and energy to the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee. (Sandra Friesen, former member of WAAC and Wayne Menneguzzi, former chair and member of WAAC). Administration is working with the Senior Manager of Parks and the Senior Manager of Forestry to have both installed/planted in the coming year.

 Craig Robertson, Supervisor of Licensing provided an update to the Committee regarding accessible taxis. In overview

 The Committee approved the creation of a Transportation Subcommittee to review accessible public trasportation, including taxis, and report back to the Committee with input and suggestions for improvement. The subcommittee researched issues surrounding accessible taxis in the city and reported back to the Committee with next steps and some initial recommendations.

 Update: In 2018, $5,000 (from the Capital Fund – Accessibility) was approved for the purchase of devices to enhance accessibility and begin the creation of an accessible hub in our library system. In 2019 the funding was used to purchase a variety of accessibility devices to help work towards the goal of an accessible hub.