
Annual Report to Council- 2019

WAAC provides advice, expertise and input to Windsor City Council with respect to promoting a barrier free community and organization for persons with disabilities as well as providing advice to City Council about the implementation of the AODA Accessibility Standards.


2019 Accomplishments

 Update: In 2018 the Committee recommended: That the Corporation of the City of Windsor BE REQUESTED to consider subscribing to the Discover Ability Network for the purpose of hiring people with disabilities as they represent an untapped talent pool that can help fuel innovative growth and a measured return on investment. This Committee recommendation received the endorsement of Council and the Human Resources Department finalized their subscription with the Discover Ability Network in 2019.

 Update: In 2018 the committee Worked with the project lead of the New City Hall Project to provide input, advice and funding for 50% of the invoiced work for the installation of twenty-three (23) new door operators, push buttons, wiring, door strikes and programming into the access control system with the location of the doors/push buttons as recommended by the Accessibility/Diversity Officer to an upset limit of $69,000 from the Capital Project 7086008 (Accessibility Fund) BE APPROVED and further, that a