Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Y. Huff, That the overview of the Accessibility Projects underway provided by the Accessibility/Diversity Officer BE RECEIVED. Carried.

4.2 WAAC Terms of Reference and Mandate

The subcommittee struck to review the WAAC Terms of Reference and Mandate has not met. An update to be provided at the next meeting. 

4.3 Accessible Transportation

Councillor Sleiman proposes inviting Vets Cab to a future meeting.

M. Lee-Daigle recommends collaborating with other communities regarding accessible transportation as other municipalities are most likely looking at the same issue. 

4.4 Upcoming Event Planning

The Event Planning subcommittee consisting of P. Best, N. Petro and K. Franklin have provided a draft letter to be sent to local accessibility advisory committees to determine if there is interest in attending a "meet and greet" event to be hosted by the City of Windsor. The proposed date for this event is Spring 2020.