3. Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by Y. Huff, seconded by Councillor Sleiman, That the minutes of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee of its meeting held July 30, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented. Carried.

4. Business Items

4.1 Overview of Accessibility Projects Underway

G. Jones distributes the first mock-up of a braille tactile map, attached as Appendix "A" for the 350 City Hall Square West Campus produced by students at Mohawk College located in Hamilton. She adds the students worked with low vision individuals along with the blind community to produce the braille tactile map. She indicates the mockup includes raised areas identifying the edge of the building, the layout of the rooms, symbols on the Council Chambers, the Information desk, and the washrooms and stairs. She adds the final braille tactile map will be located at the Information/Reception desk on the 1st floor, 350 City Hall Square West and will measure 18" x12". She further adds there will be an "eye beacon" to help guide one through the facility, however, the intention is to not have anything tied to one source of technology.

G. Jones states the AODA has mandated that the public sector provide accessible communication websites according to a set schedule and the next deadline is January 1, 2021. She expresses concern that there is often difficulty in creating accessible documents given Human error, tight timelines and the high costs associated with this.

G. Jones notes that the City is in the process of contracting with a service provider to provide an accessible digital document solution for all of our Council, Standing Committee and Committee of Council documents that will make PDF remediation a thing of the past and will deliver a superior cross device user experience with HTML.

In response to a question asked by Councillor Sleiman regarding if this technology will assist the visually impaired, G. Jones responds that its intent is to make the documents universally accessible for everyone. 

P. Best suggests the app entitled "Be my eyes" is another useful app that we should be encouraging.

In terms of accessible job postings within the Corporation of the City of Windsor, G. Jones advises that the Information Technology Department is working with low vision and blind individuals to ensure job postings will be accessible within the required timelines.