Ontario e-scooter pilot program – increasing mobility options

Best Practices

Ontario e-scooter pilot program – increasing mobility options Pilot framework for permitting the use of electric kick-style scooters (e-scooters) on Ontario roads. Municipalities that want to allow e-scooters to operate on their roads must pass by-laws to permit their use and to determine what is best for their communities.

Provincial Requirements

Municipalities are required to remit incident/collision and injury-related data to the province upon request.

Municipal Considerations

Municipalities that want to allow e-scooters to operate within their boundaries may wish to consider the points outlined below:


Operating Parameters

Interoperability/ Synergies



Similar to bicycles, Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA) rules of the road apply to the operation of e-scooters in Ontario. Penalties in HTA s. 228(8) also apply to violations of pilot regulation (fine of $250 to $2,500). By-law offences may also apply. There are serious consequences for an escooter operator impaired by drugs, alcohol or both. Additional consequences under the Criminal Code of Canada may apply.

More Information

This document is a guide only. For official purposes, please refer to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and regulations. For more information, please visit Ontario.ca/transportation. You may also refer to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators' (AAMVA) Electric Dockless Scooters Whitepaper, and the National Association of City Transportation Officials' (NACTO) Guidelines for Regulating Shared Micromobility.

Ministry of Transportation | Safety Policy and Education Branch | (416) 235-3585 | SPEB@Ontario.ca