
Item No. 7.6

Council Report: CM 6/2020

Subject: Engineering/Architectural Consultants Engaged via Roster – July 1 2019 to December 31 2019 - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT this report BE RECEIVED by Council for information in compliance with section 163 of Bylaw 93-2012 (the "Purchasing Bylaw").

Executive Summary:



Background: Section 163 of the Purchasing Bylaw provides:

163 ... "The responsible CLT Member and Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management (now Purchasing Manager) shall provide a semi-annual report to Council disclosing all consultants engaged through any rostering process in Part IX of this Bylaw."

This report is provided in satisfaction of these requirements.


Section 163 of the Purchasing Bylaw permits direct contract awards to firms listed on the engineering roster for professional services valued under $100,000.

This method recognizes the fact that professional services for public works services are frequently utilized and are often of a repetitive or similar nature. Accordingly, proceeding with a request for proposals for each such project would be unnecessarily time- and resource- intensive. Instead, qualified professionals competed for inclusion on a roster and were categorized based on area of expertise, and contracts are