
Item No. 7.5

Council Report: CM 7/2020

Subject: Performance Appraisal Report (for period of January December 2019) - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council Recommendation:


That the report by the Executive Director of Human Resources regarding Performance Appraisals for the period January to December 2019 BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION.

Executive Summary:



Performance appraisals are an integral part of assisting managers in achieving departmental and corporate objectives. As an effective communication tool, the performance appraisal allows employees and their managers the opportunity to discuss employee's performance, career goals, and the overall objectives of the Corporation. Properly constructed performance appraisals encourage trust between employees and managers, which can lower the distracting factors that impact an employee's job performance.

The completion of performance appraisals is a top priority for the Chief Administrative Officer. Since 2006, the completion rates of performance appraisals have been monitored and the results have been reported to Council on an annual basis since 2010. been made, such as the consolidation of forms, the development of a Performance Appraisal policy, Competency Dictionary, and training for management staff on how to complete an effective performance appraisal.