8.14. Report No. 128 of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee - Lakeview Park Marina - WAAC to meet with administration to ensure accessible amenities (SCM 47/2020) (SCM 23/2020)

8.15. Minutes of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee of its meeting held November 5, 2019 (SCM 48/2020) (SCM 428/2019)

8.16. Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee 2019 Annual Report (SCM 49/2020) (SCM 8/2020)

8.17. Minutes of the Diversity Committee of its meeting held October 29, 2019 (SCM 50/2020) (SCM 431/2019)

8.18. Diversity Committee 2019 Annual Report (SCM 51/2020) (SCM 6/2020)

8.19. Seniors Advisory Committee 2019 Annual Report (SCM 52/2020) (SCM 461/2019)

8.20. Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc., held November 12, 2019 (SCM 53/2020) (SCM 437/2019)

8.21. Minutes of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee of its meeting held November 19, 2019 (SCM 54/2020) (SCM 446/2019)

8.22. Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee 2019 Annual Report (SCM 55/2020) (SCM 453/2019)

8.23. Minutes of the Committee of Management for Huron Lodge Long Term Care Home of its meeting held November 18, 2019 (SCM 56/2020) (SCM 425/2019)

8.24. Windsor Tequila Expo and Taco Fest, Ward 3 (SCM 57/2020) (S 6/2020)

8.25. Report on the Casting and Installation of the You + Me Sculpture in Jackson Park Ward 3 (SCM 58/2020) (C 160/2019)

AND Minutes of the International Relations Committee of its meeting held November 27, 2019 (SCM 5/2020)

AND Report No. 47 of the International Relations Committee - You + Me Sculpture (SCM 442/2019)

Clerk's Note: Reports SCM 5/2020 and SCM 442/2019 are provided for information purposes only. They will be considered at a future Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting.