7.6. Engineering/Architectural Consultants Engaged via Roster – July 1 2019 to December 31 2019 - City Wide (CM 6/2020)

7.7. 8. 2020 BIA Interim Levy Approval Process (C 16/2020)


8.1. RFP 156-19 Plow Trucks and Accessories - City Wide (C 12/2020)

8.2. A By-Law for the Repair and Improvements to the Grand Marais Drain - Wards 1, 5, 9 and 10 (C 4/2020)

8.3. Exemption to Noise By-law 6716 for Nighttime Construction Work - Wards: 2, 10 (C 19/2020)

8.4. RFP 192-18 Janitorial Supplies - City Wide (C 20/2020)


8.5. Minutes of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee of its meeting held November 28, 2019 (SCM 31/2020) (SCM 455/2019)

8.6. 8.7. Transit Windsor Advisory Committee - 2019 Annual Report (SCM 32/2020) (SCM 459/2019)

8.7. Transit Windsor Advisory Committee - 2019 Annual Report (SCM 32/2020) (SCM 459/2019) Town & Gown Committee 2019 Annual Report (SCM 33/2020) (SCM 454/2019)

8.8. Vision Zero Policy Implementation (SCM 34/2020) (S 201/2019)

8.9. Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot - City-wide (SCM 35/2020) (S 236/2019) AND Additional Information - Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot - City-Wide (C 13/2020)

8.10. Report No. 10 of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee - Establish subcommittee to support activities to lead to the implementation of the 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan (SCM 43/2020) (SCM 445/2019)

8.11. Minutes of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee of its meeting held December 3, 2019 (SCM 44/2020) (SCM 20/2020)

8.12. Report No. 126 of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee - December 2019 Revised Terms of Reference and Mandate (SCM 45/2020) (SCM 21/2020)

8.13. Report No. 127 of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee - Letter to local accessibility advisory committees to determine interest in a meet and greet event with the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee (SCM 46/2020) (SCM 22/2020)