January 27, 2020, Budget Meeting Item 11.7, Written Submission

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Please consider this email as a request for the replacement of the sand base in the playground at Willistead Park.

The following is the initial concern I sent to Chris Holt on July 30, 2018. Since that time there has been no change and the sand has more contents hidden under it and, most recently, deep holes dug in and left unfilled that children fall in, a potential for swollen ankles and other injuries.

" Good morning Mr Holt. I'm just back from Willistead park and wanted to send you a message. I am wondering if there are any plans or discussions for an upgrade to the play equipment there. This seems to be one of the last to get some changes and my main concern is the sand base. Today my children and I were swarmed by sand hornets coming from at least 4 nests at the base of the equipment (311 has been notified). In the past I have found buried "treasures that have included bottle caps and broken glass. I am not sure if the source of those was innocent childhood fun or malicious intent, but not good and safest to take this hiding spot away. Please advise if there are any intentions to spruce this up. Thank you. "

Thank you for sharing this with counsel.

Kelly Horrocks Sent from my iPhone