January 27, 2020, Budget Meeting Written Submission

Alley ways-

I have been a delegate in the past on this subject. My mother lives in the downtown core, is mentally handicapped and deaf. I've always been concerned with the amount of visibility and safety issues we have. We've argued to have the money be spent here and I think we will continue to do so. Hopefully it will deter crime like well lit areas tend to do (we are aware it doesn't outright stop it) but any detterent is beneficial.


I heard of a medical transportation service has been instilled as of late but saw this on the list of delegation topics. I was confused as to why that may be. I don't want to see any program immediately launched get immediately dismantled. We need to continue the funding. I know we have enhanced police presence downtown but it is simply not enough. I am a big advocate for my city, always have been but it is getting increasingly worse. We need all the help we can get and vehicles like that, that are allowed to legally operate save so many lives. Impact them.

I'm not sure what topic falls under what (I am on the bus and don't have my list in front of me) But I did read something about hiring another staff member to clean up hazardous materials. I read the map of where needles have been reported in the city and will continue to advocate for more harm reduction. And that includes the tidying up of our parks.

Thanks for your time! Melissa Carey.