January 27, 2020, Budget Meeting Item 11.7, Written Submission

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I would like to voice my opinion on the condition of the playground within Willistead park. My family lives 3 houses away and are there almost daily with our 2 boys. While we love having somewhere to go within walking distance, the state of the play structure is disgraceful. It is rusted, the plastic coverings are cracking off corners making dangerous sharp edges, paint is peeling everywhere – it is really a shame.

Walkerville is the most gorgeous area in Windsor, and one of the highest tourism points for the city. We should have a park and playground that reflects that.

I understand there is a meeting this weekend to review and unfortunately I am not able to attend. However please consider this email as support for having the playground redone to be more aligned with the new, safe structures that have been going in around the city of Windsor.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with additional questions or concerns.

Thanks, Megan Thomas