January 27, 2020, Budget Meeting Item 11.7, Written Submission

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Item 11.7 response to CQ16-2018 regarding the sand base at Willistead playground

My family lives on Argyle near Willistead Park and the playground is in desperate need of an upgrade. The equipment is old, rusted, the protective coating is chipped off in many spots exposing metal and sharp edges. The metal slide is hot and unusable in the summer and the sand base is disgusting. Not only is the sand filthy, its littered with cigarette butts, glass and who knows what else, its also infested with some type of huge wasp in the summer rendering the entire playground unsafe for use. Its ridiculous that one of the nicest parks in the city has the worst playground and we have to drive our 5 year old to other parks in the city to safely play. Please move up the date for upgrading our playground

Thank you Rawna Gammon