Collection at Council Direction

In this option, council is at significant risk of criticism should the selection process not be transparent. A mitigation strategy would be the development of standard criteria that all members of Council would follow when selecting candidates for this service.

There is also significant risk that Council members will receive excessive amounts of requests from residents who simply want to avoid the user fee. A mitigating strategy would be to retain the ability to cancel this service at Council direction should the requests become unmanageable.

Lastly, there is a low risk that the council directed collections will negatively impact the budget as no revenue will be collected to offset the associated tipping fee. The Manager of Environmental Service will monitor budget expenditures and revenue, and report to council accordingly through quarterly variance reporting.

Financial Matters:

Since the agreement with Green for Life for the collection of bulk items is a flat rate based on a maximum of 85 stops per collection day, it is not anticipated that any expanded collection service outlined in this report will have a financial impact. The tipping fee is a variable that is very difficult to predict and is based on tonnage collected, which may have an impact on the program budget. Should Council choose to explore commercial or multi residential bulk collection, the fees associated with those pickups would help to mitigate any increase to the tipping fee.

The 2018 approved budget for Bulk Collection is as follows:

Revenue -9,600
Tipping Fees 600
Contracted Services 46,000
Internal Staff /Admin Costs -
Net Totals 37,000


Cindy Becker, Financial Planning Administrator

Alena Sleziak, Manager of 311/211 Call Center