
The Bulk Collection program was implemented in an effort to reduce illegal dumping. In general, it was anticipated that if a program was available to residents, curbside, they would be less likely to dump their items illegally. An unintentional benefit to the program was that when illegal dumping did occur, the homeowner had an additional option for dealing with the item; they could pay the associated fee and utilize the program to have the item collected.

At this time, the bulk collection program operates from April until November, with two collections for each of the 4 garbage collection zones per month. Residents are able to request collection of a maximum of two items per collection day, at a fee of $10.00 per item.

The program however, does not extend to commercial properties or multi-residential buildings. Many commercial properties abut alleys and experience frequent illegal dumping. At present, the businesses are responsible to bring those items to the public drop off facility or hire someone to remove them. Illegal dumping activity at multiresidential properties is less known to Administration, however the concern raised is not in relation to clean up, but more so the reduced option for the residents in these dwellings to dispose of their own bulk items.

Commercial Bulk Collection

It has been suggested that bulk collection be made available to commercial customers at a fee of $15.00 per item, with a two item limit per collection day. As a reminder, the 2018 fee for residential customers is $10.00 per item, with a two item limit per collection day.

Collection at a commercial establishment would be more challenging than at a residential property. Most commercial establishments are on arterial or collector roads. Placing bulk items out for collection curbside would be unsightly and in full view of customers, residents and visitors alike. This would give a less than flattering image of the business and the City of Windsor. Furthermore, many businesses particularly in the various BIAs have limited space on the sidewalk due to planters, benches, parking meters, etc. Placement of any large item in these areas could obstruct pedestrian traffic. Some businesses do abut alleys; however alleys cannot be used for collection due to the size of the truck needed for collection and the inability to determine property addresses alley-side.

Administration does not recommend this option as it could contribute to a negative image. Furthermore, in some BIAs, it will be challenging to determine an appropriate location to place the bulk item that would not impede pedestrian traffic, or be blocked by curbside parking (making it extremely difficult to collect).

Should Council wish to expand the program to commercial establishments, it is recommended that collection occur during the night, with City of Windsor forces, at the same frequency and limits as residential customers. A night collection would justify a higher fee ($15.00 per item) as a premium is paid to night shift employees. This would also have a smaller impact of the image of the business and the City since fewer