
January 27, 2020 Budget Meeting Item 11.3 - Background Reports

Council Report: C 27/2018

Subject: Options for Bulk Collection Program expansion in response to Budget decision number B11/2018. City Wide.


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: THAT the report of the City Engineer dated February 15, 2018 regarding the options for expanding the bulk collection program BE RECEIVED.

Executive Summary:



Background: During the 2018 Budget deliberations, Council directed the following:

By Decision number B11/2018, that option #1 from budget issue 2018-0146 reference # 97 regarding bulk collection pickup be approved which reduces the use fee to $10 per item from $20; and,

That Administration provide a report back to City Council prior to the beginning of the season to provide information and determine the feasibility of:

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information on the three expansion options listed above.