upgrades of existing systems. This will leverage the capital funding for those projects to offset the majority of the cost to install, particularly in the case of Option 3. These costs will also be reported annually based on planned projects and provide what if any additional operational costs are also required for sustainability.

Option Annualized WLC per signal
Option 1 $9,000
Option 2 $14,000
Option 3 $40,000

Risk Analysis:

There is also a risk that the construction of sidewalk and or cycling facilities may not be supported by some in the community who oppose the changes necessary to build these facilities. Administration will seek to reduce this risk by communicating these projects to the public. The annual report to City Council will also offer members of the community the opportunity to address City Council directly on recommended projects providing an opportunity for City Council to consider if the project should proceed as recommended.

Financial Matters:

As previously stated, while there is only one project ID in the capital budget which speaks solely to investments in City Wide Cycling development, there is significantly more funding for these assets included in various larger projects. Currently there is no easy way to separate the cycling and sidewalk investments portion from these larger projects. This report has cited several of these types of projects to provide examples of these additional investments being put forward to build out the ATMP recommendations.

Going forward Administration has recommended that the active transportation program be automated such that, at a minimum, information on these investments, listing of all projects recommended in the ATMP, planning for projects and reporting on usage, can be better tracked and communicated. The Asset Planning Service Design and Implementation program is looking to expand the City's use of the CityWide Asset