- o On-street cycling facilities adjacent to the curb are swept during regular street sweeping intervals. (3 residential sweeps per year, 6 arterial/collector sweeps per year)
- o Multi-use trails generally see sweeping when time permits or when a complaint is filed. Other scenarios where trails may be swept is in preparation for a special event, or as a part of the new 2019 program aimed at the clearing of goose waste along specified trails.
- Line Painting and Sign replacement
- o Bike lanes are repainted on a yearly basis and signage is replaced every 7-10 years.
- Winter Control – There are currently 21 main salt/plow routes consisting of roads classified as Expressway, Arterial, and Collector as defined by the City of Windsor Official Plan, which begin to be cleared if accumulation exceeds 4 inches. These routes also include fire/hospital emergency routes and Transit Windsor bus routes. Residential streets are plowed once the main routes have been cleared.
- o On-street cycling facilities (adjacent to the curb) that exist on these routes are cleared of snow to the face of the curb to allow for adequate drainage after the travel lanes have been cleared.
- o Parks performs snow clearing on a portion of the 131 km of trails found within the parks system which see heavy use, typically 48-72 hours after a snow fall has ended. This is due to the priority given to clearing of snow at numerous City facilities, sidewalks and parking lots. The exception to this is a limited number of trails tied to special events or trails that are use in absence of a sidewalk within the ROW.
Signals for Bicycle Lanes
The installation of the required signals outlined in the ATMP is dependant on the state of the existing infrastructure and if it allows for the ability for modification. Three possible situations are identified as likely outcomes.
- - Option 1 utilizes the existing infrastructure for the installation of only new bicycle signal heads on the main street without any major upgrades.
- - Option 2 utilizes the existing infrastructure for the installation of only new bicycle signal heads on side streets without any major upgrades.
- - Option 3 provides signal head installation at an intersection that requires a complete re-build.
Due to the complexity involved in determining the requirements for signal installation prior to site inspection and design specifications, these various options were estimated. The option chosen will depend on how accommodating the existing infrastructure is toward the required functionality. As well, similar to the effort to marry road, sewer and parks projects with recommendations in the ATMP, the timing of enhancements to signals for bicycle lanes will be planned with projects for new and or replacements and