2020 Budget Companion


ERCA At-A-Glance

Essex Region Conservation


ERCA is a local watershed management agency, incorporated under the Conservation Authorities Act (1946). Since our establishment in 1973, we have been dedicated to protecting, restoring, and managing the natural resources of the Essex Region. Today, as one of 36 conservation authorities in Ontario, ERCA is committed to the core founding principles of the Conservation Authorities Act: watershed jurisdiction, local decision-making, and funding partnerships.

ERCA works with residents and communities, our nine member municipalities, senior levels of government, and agencies to increase natural area coverage through tree planting and habitat restoration, improve water quality across our watersheds and our Great Lakes, protect people and property from flooding and erosion, and further our understanding of the environment through science and education. Our goal is a sustainable future which improves our local environment and helps create an enhanced community identity we can all be proud of, and a more vibrant economy that can set this region ahead of others - one where people will want to live, work,play, and invest in.

ERCA is governed by a 19-member Board of Directors appointed within a four-year cycle by its 9 Member Municipalities. The Board's Chair and Vice-Chair are elected for two year terms, alternating between City of Windsor, and the municipalities outside the City of Windsor.