

• The 2020 Budget totals $10,576,317, which includes a total levy contribution of $3,386,667. This represents an increase of $148,000, or $0.49 per person ($10.00 to $10.49 per person) though the actual cost per household ($250,000) decreased by $0.12 to $19.57 .

• The proposed levy increase amount is primarily a result of the decrease in provincial transfer payments relating to the Flood Forecasting program ($98,000) and costs associated with human resources. However, no new FTEs are included in this budget and some staffing positions will remain unfilled due to consideration of municipal budgets and respective pressures.

• ERCA was able to minimize levy increase with confirmed funding related to the Windsor Essex Climate Change Collaborative (WEC3) and the development of a County Municipal Energy Plan, continued support from the province for the JRPH Community Museum Operating Grant and confirmed funding related to Source Water Protection, DRCC and watershed research that will partially offffset permanent staff and associated support and shared costs.

• ERCA's Finance and Audit Advisory Board recommended a reallocation of $168,820 from Land Securement to offset deficit, a redirection of $50,000 to the insurance reserve which was depleted due to wind storm damages in 2019, and $50,000 to the infrastructure reserve in anticipation of higher than expected HBCA Workshop replacement costs. If these funds are not required in 2020, they will remain in the Land Securement reserve.

• In 2020, ERCA will continue to deliver programs to increase habitat and forest cover, maintain and expand conservation areas and trails, assist our member municipalities in protecting people and infrastructure from the dangers of flooding and erosion, lead the development of a Regional Climate Change Strategy and Regional Municipal Energy Plan, the Place for Life Policies, and provide meaningful education and engagement opportunities for our residents.

• ERCA's Annual Revenues for programs and services ranks consistently in the top 10 of all 36 Conservation Authorities. At the same time, ERCA's operational levy funds less than 40% of its operations, placing ERCA in the bottom five of all Conservation Authorities, and well below the provincial average (approx. 50%).