Holt City Solicitor CQ 24-2019 Asks that Administration report back to council at the September 23, 2019 meeting with addendums to the By-law that identifies 2 of the 9 BIA’s as “Tourist Destinations” that extend this benefit to all BIA’s and take advantage of the pending wayfinding signage program equally.
SW2019 (September 9, 2019)
Type of Response Required-Written Report CR565/2019 Referred to WIBIAC for comment
Gignac City Planner CQ 25-2019 Asks administration to prepare a report on the status / number of private park parcels on the North side of Riverside Dr. with easement rights held by multiple residential property owners and how they are assessed. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    SR2019 (September 9, 2019)  
Gignac City Solicitor CQ 26-2019 Asks administration to review the recent changes the City of Toronto have made to their Noise By- laws pertaining to excessive vehicle noise and how these could be included in our By-laws. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    GM2019 (September 9, 2019)  
Bortolin City Planner CQ 27-2019 Asks administration to report back on potential incentives that can be offered to encourage the investment in affordable housing, including but not limited to, a community-wide CIP specific to housing and a consideration given to Development Charges waivers. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    GH/6905 (September 23, 2019)  
Francis Corporate Leader Parks, Recreation, Culture & Facilities CQ 28-2019 Asks that Administration please report back on the ramifications, if any, of other municipalities shipping their Canadian geese to our region, (i.e. Jack Minor Reserve)? Also, would it make sense for the City of Windsor to ship Canadian geese to the reserve as well? Would it limit our current population of geese or not? Type of Response Required-Written Report
    MHS/9496 (September 23, 2019)  
McKenzie City Engineer CQ30-2019 Asks that Administration report to Council on the various instances when discounted fares are offered to Transit Windsor riders beyond what is already outlined in our official fare policy. In addition, that administration outline the criteria in place for fare reduction events to be considered. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    MT2019 (October 7, 2019)