Gignac City Solicitor CQ 19-2019 Asks is it possible to pass a by law that permits the City to engage in flood abatement activities on private property at full cost recovery and if so, that Administration bring forward a draft by law for Council consideration.
SW2019 (July 22, 2019)
Type of Response Required-Written Report
Costante City Planner CQ 20-2019 Asks that administration report back on inclusionary zoning and how it could be applied to the City of Windsor.
Z2019 (July 22, 2019)
Type of Response Required-Written Report
Costante City Treasurer CQ 21-2019 Asks administration to report back on the ability, opportunities and potential implications of imposing a vacant home tax. More specifically, how a vacant home tax could relate or align with the 10-year Housing and Homeless Master Plan and current Provincial legislation and how a tax on vacant homes may be used to address housing needs and homelessness in the community. I am requesting that administration bring forward the information and recommendations in a report to council for consideration Type of Response Required-Written Report
    SW2019 (September 9, 2019)  
Costante Corporate Leader Parks, Recreation, Culture & Facilities CQ 22-2019 Asks that, as you may recall, at the April 15 Council Meeting (Council Communication), there was a request by Les Amis Duff-Baby for an update concerning Motion 58-2011 on the progress of the license agreement with the owner (Ontario Heritage Trust), for the use of the Interpretation Centre and expanded use of the Dining Room and Trading Hall in the Duff-Bâby Mansion at 221 Mill St.A motion asking for a report back was tabled and passed. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    SW2019 (September 9, 2019)  
Bortolin City Solicitor CQ 23-2019 Asks that Administration report back on the potential options around licensing and zoning payday loan establishments with input from legal, licensing, zoning and social services. As well as how other jurisdictions have proceeded on this issue. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    SW2019 (September 9, 2019)