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RE Report S214/2019

Please allow me to comment on report Item 8.3 with regard to the Duff-Bâby Mansion at 221 Mill St.

My name is Nicole Sekela. I am the owner-operator of both Rock Bottom Bar and Grill and the Sandwich Brewing Company in Sandwich. I am also a director of the Sandwich Town Business Improvement Association.

I fully support Option 1 in Administration's Report to the Standing Committee that would have the City lease the main floor of the Duff-Baby Mansion from the Ontario Heritage Trust.

I have invested significant part of my life and finances into the above mentioned businesses and am a huge booster of both Sandwich Town and Windsor. I am always in support of initiatives that will improve our community and support the tourist industry to our area. I firmly believe that improving access to the Duff-Baby House would accomplish this. Hundreds of people visit the house on an annual basis, even though the site is open only a few times a year, and not always in a predictable fashion. Imagine if the city's marketing expertise was brought to bear on this building, and visitors and residents knew, for example, that it was open for tours every Sunday throughout the summer, and once a month the rest of the year. Visitors could plan trips weeks or months in advance, and then visit other significant historical sites in our city - maybe stopping for lunch and a beer!

I hope you share my enthusiasm in this and recommend to City Council that they support leasing the main floor of the Duff-Baby Mansion from the Ontario Heritage Trust.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Nicole Sekela