30 November 2019

To the Community Services and Park Standing Committee

RE: CQ22-2019 regarding License Agreement with the Ontario Heritage Trust for use of the Interpretation Centre at the Duff-Baby Mansion and Main Floor at 221 Mill Street.

We are writing in strong support of Option 1 of the CQ-22 2019 License Agreement to be reviewed by the Community Services and Parks Standing Committee in a meeting which will be held on December 4, 2019 at 9am. The Duff Baby Mansion is an invaluable historic resource for our region, and a City lease of the space with dedicated funds for staffing and exhibits would bring tourism dollars and activity to Historic Sandwich Towne while opening this rarely seen structure to members of the community. The purpose of a National Historic Site is to tell the story of the shaping of the Nation and the Duff Baby Mansion has been mute for far too long.

The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) is one of the oldest heritage organizations in Ontario. Founded in 1933 in a bid to save Barnum House near Grafton, Ontario the organization has grown to 32 branches all with the goal of preserving heritage and raising awareness of the importance of preserving provincial, municipal, and community heritage. The Windsor/Essex Branch of the ACO was founded in 1995 by the late Pat Malicki during her successful campaign to save Walkerville Town Hall. Over the years, the local branch has lobbied Council and worked with owners to save locally based heritage buildings as well as lending professional experience in way of consultation and co-sponsoring local heritage events.

With Respect, Tammy Dewhirst, President Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Windsor/Essex Branch

cc Don Wilson, Mayor Drew Diklins, Fred Francis, Fabio Constante, Rino Bortolin, Chris Holt, Ed Sleiman, Jo-Anne Gignac, Gary Kaschak, Kieran McKenzie, Jim Morrison