The answer is YES. The subject alley serves as driveway access and parking space for 1986 Rossini Blvd which was rezoned as Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) under Z-024/18 ZNG/5716.

b. Does the subject alley serve properties fronting on heavily traveled streets i.e. major arterial routes? The subject alley will merge both lots owned by the applicant. 4200 Tecumseh Rd E is a property fronting on heavily travelled street (Tecumseh Road East). Tecumseh Road East is a Class I Arterial Road. Therefore, the answer is YES. The requested closure will help formalize the use of the subject alley.

c. Does the subject alley contain sewers, and must the alley remain accessible for servicing? The answer is NO. The existing storm and sanitary sewer will become private drain connections for 4200 Tecumseh Rd E as it only services their property.

d. Does the subject alley serve as the only vehicular means of access to rear parking areas and garages where the property has insufficient lot width for a side drive? The answer is NO. The applicant's property has an easterly driveway that can be used to access parking from Bernard Rd. The abutting property, known as 1986 Rossini Blvd will have westerly access to parking once the lots have merged.

e. Does the subject alley contain Fire Department connections that are deemed to be necessary for firefighting access? The answer is NO. The Windsor Fire & Rescue Services have no concerns.

Based on the above, the Planning Division deems the subject east/west alley "dispensable", and supports the requested closure.

However, there are existing hydro poles and guy wires on the subject alley. The presence of these utilities will require an easement. Enwin Utilities requires a 3 metre wide easement for the length of the alley for straight pole lines (1.5m on each side, with 1m of clearance from any structures). Additionally, a 3 metre wide easement extending 1 metre into the property for guy and anchor installations is required. Bell Canada requires a 3 metre wide easement for the length of the alley for the buried installation (3m on each side).

The applicant plans to use the subject alley to merge the abutting lots. It is our recommendation that, upon closure, the applicant (owner of property on both sides of the alley) be offered the opportunity to purchase the entire width of the subject alley.

Risk Analysis:

The recommended closure will divest the City of associated liability risks and maintenance costs. The recommended closure poses no known risk to The Corporation of the City of Windsor.