a. For alley abutting lands zoned CD2.1: $12.00 per square foot without easements and $6.00 per square foot with easements, plus deed preparation fee and proportionate share of the survey costs as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.

IV. THAT The City Planner BE REQUESTED to supply the appropriate legal description, in accordance with Drawing Number. CC-1760, attached hereto as Appendix "A".

V. THAT The City Solicitor BE REQUESTED to prepare the necessary by-law(s).

VI. THAT The Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary documents approved as to form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

VII. THAT the matter BE COMPLETED electronically pursuant to By-law Number 366-2003.

Executive Summary:



Chris Taylor Auto Sales, owner of the properties known as 4200 Tecumseh Rd E and 1986 Rossini Blvd, applied to close that portion of the 5.5 metre wide east/west alley located on the east side of Rossini Blvd, between Griffin Court and Tecumseh Road East, shown on Drawing No. CC-1760, attached hereto as Appendix "A", and also shown on the aerial photo attached hereto as Appendix "B".

The east/west alley is used for driveway access and parking space serving 1986 Rossini Blvd (owned by the applicant). The alley is composed of grass and gravel and contains two manholes and two hydro poles with guy wires. There is an existing curbcut serving the said alley.

The applicant wants the alley closed to allow the expansion of the automobile sales lot located on 4200 Tecumseh Road East onto the abutting property, 1986 Rossini Boulevard. The east-west alley will be incorporated between the two lots.


Planning Department's analysis of the requested alley closures:

The first test is to determine whether the subject alley is dispensable. To make such determination the guideline attached herein as Appendix "E" would be relevant as shown below:

a. Does the subject alley serve commercial properties?