of that existing flock. A minority of the Canadian geese relocated will the following year be found to have flown back to Mississauga or Oakville. The annual removal of geese from both of the locations has only proven to be a seasonal fix to control their goose populations. These annual removals have been taking place for over twenty years, these annual removals only serve to lower and do not eliminate the population of geese found.

As it relates to the overall population the City of Windsor would see an initial decline in the population of Canadian geese found within the City limits if there was an undertaking to relocate geese to the Jack Minor Migratory Bird Sanctuary. However it should be noted that this initial decline would not be permanent in nature, and that without an annual removal program in place the population of Canadian geese would return to their existing levels.

If the goal of a removal program is to eliminate the goose population in a specific location altogether then other activities, specifically habitat modification would have to be undertaken along with the removal of geese from a specific location within the City of Windsor. Without the addition of a habitat modification program the area will continue to be a desirable location for geese. Removing one group of geese will only serve to make the area open and inviting to other geese currently found within other parts of the City. The City of Windsor has undertaken this approach in the past to reduce the number of geese in a specific location as outlined in report CM30/2016 (attached as Appendix A).

Risk Analysis:

While the municipality has no jurisdiction over the wild populations of animals or birds, there is a low to moderate risk of loss of public confidence in ignoring escalating wildlife populations.

Financial Matters:

If Council chooses to direct the Parks Department to develop a goose removal program for Council consideration, then there would be an associated budget request. There are currently no funds identified for a goose removal program within the Parks operating or capital budgets.
