Council Report: S 220/2019

Subject: Response to CQ 28-2019 - Impact of other Municipalities shipping Canadian geese to our region - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the report of the Senior Manager, Parks providing a response to CQ 28-2019 regarding Canadian Geese BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



Background: At the meeting of Council on September 28th 2019 Councillor Francis asked CQ 282019:

"Asks that Administration please report back on the ramifications, if any other municipalities shipping their Canadian geese to our region, (i.e. Jack Minor Reserve)? Also would it make sense for the City of Windsor to ship Canadian geese to the reserve as well? Would it limit our current population of geese or not?"


In September of 2019 local media outlets reported that the Jack Minor Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Kingsville recently took in a total of about 1000 Canadian geese from the Municipality of Mississauga and the Town of Oakville. The introduction of these Canadian geese to Essex County will have no noticeable impact to the population of Canadian geese found within the City of Windsor. It is expected that the majority of the geese relocated to Jack Minor Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Kingsville will become a part