In February of 2019 the RCNA requested that a second phase be added to the existing 1996 memorial (Appendix B). The purpose of the second phase is to install granite interpretation panels with text and illustrations describing the contributions and sacrifices of the members of the Royal Canadian Navy in the following periods:

The proposed location of the second phase of the memorial is immediately west of the original memorial.


The Parks Department reconstructed the river walk and multi-use trail that runs through Dieppe Park in 2018. The 1996 naval memorial was protected during construction as it is located between the river walk and the multi-use trail. RCNA funded the restoration of the original monument, the installation of five new flagpoles and two bronze plaques. The improvements were coordinated with Parks project managers during the Dieppe Park walkway construction project.

Further consultations for a proposed phase two were carried out with representatives from the RCNA in 2018 to insure that a proposed phase two of the monument would be considered in the design and layout of the adjacent walkways.

The proposed location of the phase two monument will not interfere with activities on the adjacent walkways and multi-use trail. The "Battle of the Atlantic" ceremony takes place at the naval memorial annually in Dieppe Park on the first Sunday in May.

The monument and proposed addition are consistent with the 2000 Central Riverfront Implementation Plan (CRIP) recommendations for Segment 5 Dieppe Gardens:

Windsorites have played an important role on the world naval stage both in times of war and in times of peace. The addition of the interpretation panels will enhance the presentation of local naval history. These panels will remind all who enjoy the riverfront of our experiences throughout past 100 plus years.

The RCNA has had phase two of the monument designed and has received an estimate for its fabrication and installation. An engineered concrete foundation will be required to support the granite interpretive panels (See sketch Appendix C).