Council Report: S 195/2019

Subject: Navy Memorial- Dieppe Park -Ward 3



THAT Council AUTHORIZE the Royal Canadian Naval Association- Admiral Hose Branch to install historical interpretive panels at a site directly west of the existing Naval Monument in Dieppe Park; and further,

THAT authorization BE GIVEN to the City Solicitor or designate to develop an Agreement or agreements, between the Corporation of the City of Windsor and the Royal Canadian Naval Association, Admiral Hose Branch Windsor, Ontario and/or any other parties as may be required, to include the responsibilities, the transference of ownership of the memorial interpretive panels and other rights to the City; and further,

THAT the CAO and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the agreement(s), satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in technical content to the Corporate Leader of Parks Recreation & Culture and Facilities.

THAT Council APPROVE the allocation of funding of $25,000 from the Partnership capital project PFO-014-12 as previously approved within the 2019 Capital Budget,

Executive Summary:



The Royal Canadian Naval Association (RCNA) requested the establishment of a memorial in Dieppe Park on April 1, 1996. City Council approved the request as per CR274/96.

The naval monument was installed west of Ouellette Ave in Dieppe Park adjacent to the river walk and was dedicated in May of 1997 (see site plan Appendix A).