6.3 Acquisitions

R. Gauthier informs the Board members he will be attending an Auction Preview at DuMouchelles Art Gallery in Detroit, Michigan, and will report back at the next meeting. 

6.4 Friends of Willistead (FOW)

K. Renaud provides the following updates:

K. Renaud suggests that a donation box or table be placed in the Manor. C. Masterson and D. Seguin agree to consider the request after a review of the City of Windsor's corporate policy and procedures regarding cash control.

6.5 Education

MJ Dettinger informs the Board members that student groups from Académie Ste Cécile continue to visit the Manor.

6.6 Historical

A. Jahns provides the Board members with an inventory list from 1913 of items at Hiram Walker, as well as photograph of a broiling spit that once belonged to Willistead, on display in the Hiram Walker Museum. Both are attached as "Appendix A".