Moved by A. Abu-Zahra, seconded by R. Gauthier, That the following person BE APPOINTED to the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc. for the term ending August 17, 2021:

Robert Jasey



5.1 Management

C. Masterson, Manager of Cultural Affairs informs the Board members that the City of Windsor's Facilities Department is currently working on putting together a Request for Proposals for the replacement of the flooring in the North/East Gallery, indicating that the work will take place in early 2020.

An update on the events taking place at the Manor is provided to the Board. C. Masterson informs that Poetry at the Manor on Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 was very well attended, the First Annual High Tea and Garden Party, which took place on Sunday, September 15th, 2019 was very successful and tickets for the First Annual Harvest Dinner at Willistead Manor, on Sunday, October 27th, 2019 are selling very well.

C. Masterson further informs that the 2019 Holiday tours at the Manor will take place on Wednesdays and Sundays, beginning on December 1st, 2019, with the exception of December 11th, 2019. New this year is a breakfast Buffet with Santa that will take place every Sunday, beginning on December 1st, 2019.


D. Seguin, Deputy Treasurer, Financial Accounting, provides the current account balances as follows:


6.1 Fundraising


6.2 Community Relations and Promotion
