Item No. 8.1

Council Report: C 199/2019

Subject: Initiation of Construction of a Sanitary Sewer and Private Drain Connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession Road to 8th Concession Road as a Local Improvement - Ward 9


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. That Council APPROVE the construction of a sanitary sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession Road to 8th Concession Road, as shown on attached Drawing C-3551 as a local improvement under the provisions of O. Reg 586/06 under the Municipal Act and that Notice of Intention to Pass Local Improvement Charges By-law BE GIVEN to the public and affected owners, including the intention to apply to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 8 of O. Reg. 586/06 for approval to undertake the work as a local improvement, in accordance with the attached report of the City Engineer; and,

II. That 30 days after giving Notice of Intention to Pass a Local Improvement Bylaw, Council PASS By-law _______ for the construction of sanitary sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession Road to 8th Concession Road as a local improvement in accordance with Section 5 of O. Reg. 586/06, unless any affected owner files an objection to the work being undertaken as a local improvement, with the Clerk.

III. That the net capital costs of approximately $113,508 BE FUNDED from Project # 7159000 Local Improvement Sanitary Sewer.