have been operational since the spring of 2018. Although no one has been charged with illegal dumping to date in relation to a camera recording, the cameras have served as significant deterrents. In each area that the cameras have been deployed, illegal dumping activity ceased. However, the ongoing operation and effectiveness of this program is impacted by constant operational demands on existing staff resources, which results in re-prioritization of this program. If cameras are not checked with the necessary frequency, images capturing activity may simply be over-written. A full-time dedicated position would have dedicated time to look at the enhancement of deterrence and enforcement, expand community partnerships, increase public awareness, as well as keep the day-to-day operations going. This position could also enforce all aspects of ByLaw 2-2006 A Bylaw to Establish and Maintain a System for the Collection and Disposal of Waste in the City of Windsor. This would assist in the response time of the ByLaw Enforcement Division. The City of Winnipeg has recently hired a dedicated bylaw enforcement coordinator specifically for the monitoring of their six surveillance cameras. Prosecutors have had 100% conviction/plead rate under this system.

This option clearly supports the Enforcement piece of the PACE model.

Risk Analysis:

The risk level of each option is listed below.

Option Risk Level Risk Effectiveness as a mitigation strategy to illegal dumping
1. Satellite Depot Significant Financial – significant capital and operating cost Moderate
2. Dedicated Clean up Crew Moderate Financial – addition of 2 FTE and shortened life cycle of equipment. Insignificant
3. Expanded Bulk Collection toa 3 item limit Moderate Financial – the current program forms part of the Collection Contract. Anychanges to the contract Low