Year No. of Collection Days No. of total stops
2017 24(June – Nov.) 387
2018 32(Apr. – Nov.) 1439
2019 aa August 31st 20(program ongoing) 1014

Council has discussed in the past, the option to use open stops for Council directed free collection. Council requested Administration develop a system to this effect. It is Administrations understanding that Council wishes to use this option for residents that were frequent targets of illegal dumping. The challenge is in determining the legitimacy of the residents claim. Administration could find no way to assist Council in this regard. Should Council wish to pursue this option, collection requests would be at the sole discretion of each Councillor, and based on the available "open stops".

Council also requested Administration look at expanding the program to include multi-residential buildings. As discussed previously, multiresidential buildings of more than 4 units do not qualify for the program as there is no way to track if more than 1 unit has requested pick up. There is also little space for bulk items on the property of many of these buildings. Finally, it should be noted that any building with more than 4 units is considered commercial property for tax levy purposes. Since Council has already defeated a motion to include commercial properties in the bulk collection program, these buildings cannot be added without reconsideration.

4. Enhanced Illegal Dumping Program

The current illegal dumpsite program consists of a budget of $81,000 dedicated to the clean up of material dumped on municipal property and the monitoring of four surveillance cameras. The surveillance cameras