could result in increased costs.    
4. Enhance Illegal Dumpsite program (ByLaw Officer) Moderate-Significant Financial – addition of 1 FTE, including equipment (vehicle, uniform, technology, etc) as well as additional surveillance cameras Most effective option
5. No action Significant Corporate Image – illegaldumping will continue and possibly increase, complaints will continue and possibly increase Negative impact

Financial Matters:

Each of the four options mentioned above carry a financial impact. At the high end would be Option 1, a satellite depot. The existing depot has an operating budget close to $800,000. Although the satellite depot would be of smaller scale and accept less items, significant costs would be incurred for hauling, staffing and land development and maintenance. Additional capital costs would include infrastructure such as scales, roll off bins and other equipment. However, the most significant cost could come from obtaining the proper certificate of approval from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. It is difficult to estimate the full financial impact of this option, but it is certain to be the most costly of the four options.

The cost implication of an added clean up crew, option 2, would include the addition of 2 waste collection operators, a rear packing truck, and associated tipping fees. The financial risk with this option is that the demand is likely to increase to the point of further staff and equipment being required. In order for this option to have any noticeable effect on dumping, the clean up needs to be swift. It is anticipated that the more the crew cleans, the more that will be dumped. This will eventually lead to a need for additional staff and equipment in order to maintain a swift response. It is anticipated that an annual operating budget of approximately $250,000 would be required to implement this option. In addition, capital funding of approximately $185,000 would be required for the initial purchase of the required truck.