Summer Steps Aside
Many are challenged by the changes in routine, environment and people that a new school year brings.
Summer is flying by and it’s almost time to pack those backpacks again. While there’s still time to enjoy the warm weather and the relaxed schedule of the summer break, many parents and caretakers are anticipating the first day of the school year. As Larry Landauer says in his article “Back-to-School Tips for Parents,” “Some children love the idea of going back to school after summer break, but many are challenged by the changes in routine, environment and people that a new school year brings. This can be especially true for those with special needs.”
EP’s Annual Back to School Issue presents a wealth of information from educators, therapists, physicians and parents who have years of experience helping students avoid or minimize summer learning loss and many are working to create more inclusive classrooms. Our cover story, “Elijah’s Mom Shares Back to School Prep for Children With ASD” by Renee C. Williams, M.S. Ed. explains what it takes to transition her son on the spectrum, to a new grade in a new school. Georgie Normand, M.A. explores the topic of dyslexia screening and presents what parents, teachers and school principals need to know. Special Education teacher Jenn Adams offers advice on how to foster positive behavior in the classroom with structured expectations, and offers several childrens’ books that have helped her students through the years. In her article discussing bullying, Lorene Reagan, RN, MS suggests how we can take action to identify, address and prevent this destructive behavior.

In this month's Features section. you'll find a guide to the Center for Parent Information and Resources, a project of the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, as well as an insightful piece about expanding inclusive dental care for individuals with special needs by Dr. Kyle Bogan, DDS.
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"Our Back to School Issue presents a wealth of information from experts who have years of experience helping students avoid or minimize summer learning loss."

Faye Simon
Editor In Chief
Faye Simon is a certified pre-K—8 teacher with a wide range of educational experience. She has worked in deaf/blind and infant stimulation programs, taught K—2 in public schools, and was a Head Teacher and Parent Coordinator for Head Start. She is Founder and President of the volunteer-run IES Brain Research Foundation. As EP's Editor In Chief, Faye sources and edits articles, creates partnerships with businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and develops relationships with EP's writers, corporate partners, readers and staff.
Information and Support for the Special Needs Community
- Publisher Len Harac
- Editor In Chief Faye Simon
- Art Direction & Design Leverett Cooper
- Subscriber Services 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 .
- Customer Service/New Orders Faye Simon (973) 726-6218
- Publishing & Editorial Office 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327 Clifton, NJ 07012
Exceptional Parent (ISSN 0046-9157) is published monthly 12 times per year including the special January EP Guide - Navigating Special Needs Resources by Exceptional Parent Magazine, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 Internet address: All rights reserved. Copyright ©2023 by Exceptional Parent Magazine,. Exceptional Parent™ is a registered trademark of Exceptional Parent Magazine. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Exceptional Parent,1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012. Any applicable periodical postage paid at Clifton, NJ and additional mailing offices (USPS 557-810). Basic annual subscription for EP Digital is free. Limited edition print subscription $199.00. Subscriber Service: Direct all inquiries & address changes to: Exceptional Parent, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 08758. Customer Service/New Orders: E-mail: or call (973) 726-6218. Back issues incur a charge of $17 each with shipping, (January issue $20 when requested) and depend upon availability. Call (973) 726-6218. Agreement #1420542