The Culture Plan pulse-check, which took place from May 2022 to June 2023 saw significant participation from within the community, event producers, volunteers and staff. A variety of engagement methods were provided, with more than 250 people sharing their feedback and ideas. The community engagement throughout the process brought forward clear identification of the community cultural needs, priorities and preferences.

The feedback gathered through community engagement indicates that culture is important to the community. Many people had very clear visions of their desired community direction and shared similar perspectives to the following comment;

"I think as the Municipality redefines its priorities from dozens to two or three, CULTURE and HERITAGE should be two of the top ones. Culture and heritage/history/story are very closely connected and are the fabric of where this community comes from, how it moves forward in antique and vibrant fashion..."

Respondents had thoughtful and considered observations and suggestions, as these comments indicate:

Collaborating on Culture - Primary Findings

A number of common themes emerged, and were echoed, as priorities through the engagement process (listed in no particular order)

The Collaborating on Culture feedback reinforced the direction and agenda included in the Culture Plan draſted in 2012. There is a clear indication that the community is engaged and interested in continued (and increased) opportunities for participation, as well as the high-priority it assigns to culture within the Municipality of Port Hope, as shared by this survey respondents' comment;

"As a lifelong resident I'm very happy to see a surge in Port Hope's cultural events calendar and look forward to seeing how as a Municipality we can really identify what makes us different than others."