GRPH 2500 — 3 UNITS


Students create a logo for a company or product using the elements of design and the psychology of color. They demonstrate understanding through application and usage of identity to create a brand and public awareness. Thumbnails, participation, class critiques. Prerequisite: GRPH 1420

GRPH 2540 — 3 UNITS


This course takes students through the entire graphic design process of creating a professional retail brand. Students define a target audience, invent a fictitious store name, and write a mission statement. For their final presentation, they create a conceptual store brand delivered through a visual marketing plan. Prerequisite: GRPH 2050

GRPH 2630 — 3 UNITS


Students build on their experience with UX design as they develop web and mobile applications. Students begin using HTML and CSS to design their sites while continuing to emphasize research, design, and functionality. Prerequisite: GRPH 2230

GRPH 2680 — 3 UNITS


This is an advanced class in portfolio development. Students design, produce, and gain experience presenting their work in a professional working environment. They also write a comprehensive resume and present their portfolios before the class. Prerequisite: GRPH 2500

GRPH 2780 — 3 UNITS


This course enhances students' appreciation of the skill and creativity of photography by challenging them to produce their own photographic art. Course discussions include terminology, innovations in digital photography, and various experimental processes. The course illustrates the practice of buying commercial photography for fashion, graphic design, and general marketing purposes, including negotiating with art reps, buyout of stock photography, and coordinating photo shoots.

GRPH 2810 — 3 UNITS


In this course, students learn to find the story in data and represent it in a clear, compelling and — most of all — visual way. Data is complex, overwhelming and doesn't tell a story without the work of a designer. They look at the history of data visualization while also practicing their own ability to visualize increasingly complex information. Special emphasis is paid to using the principles of design to craft a unified, exciting, persuasive data visualization. Prerequisite: GNST 2370

GRPH 2840 — 3 UNITS


This course explores the potential of iconic imagery and demonstrates the power of a title-with-a-concept in ad campaigns where space is at a premium. Prerequisite: GRPH 3550

GRPH 2930 — 3 UNITS


This course focuses on responsive web design in order to create sites that work on a variety of devices. Students create a complete interactive site from concept to final development. Prerequisite: GRPH 2630

GRPH 2940 — 3 UNITS


Creative packaging solutions include product market fit and elegant details. Students learn to incorporate 3-D form, materials, typography, color, and graphics to generate packages for a variety of design challenges. Emphasis is placed on preparing art files for print reproduction including printing techniques (conventional and digital), paper, color, inks, imposition folding, and finishing. Prerequisite: GRPH 2500

GRPH 3150 — 3 UNITS


This course enhances the leadership and collaboration skills essential to students in art directing a product shot, developing concept photography, creating assets, and preparing a double-body shoot. Each student assumes the role of art director for one entire photo session. Students also explore the Adobe Photoshop techniques employed for glamour retouching in fashion media, both film and print.

GRPH 3380 — 3 UNITS


Students explore the creation of key art and its application to theatrical marketing. They analyze the elements essential to developing a central image for the major film genres—Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Horror, Action, and Epic—as they progress from rough tissue concepts to full-color comps. Prerequisite: GRPH 2420

GRPH 3550 — 3 UNITS


Students engage in advanced study of typographic principles, usage, and expression, with an emphasis on headlines, content, and title design. They explore the potential of classic styles, such as 3-D typography, animated type, informative type, and advertising typography for resolving complex design challenges. At the end of the course, they demonstrate their new insights and skills by type-setting a credit block.

GRPH 3800 — 3 UNITS


Working in teams, students conduct in-depth consumer, market, and trend research on two brands.