First responders from the Natick Fire Department and Brewster Ambulance wrote well-wishes for Meghan Roth on a ceremonial 125th Boston Marathon banner.

from the Natick Police Department, Brewster Ambulance Service, and the Framingham Fire Department, we all worked as one that day and were able to send Meghan home to her family, which is an amazing accomplishment."

Among those receiving honorary medals were:

Unable to attend the medal ceremony were Dr. Jochen D. Muehlschlegel, Cameron Howe, and Marie Rodgers. Muehlschlegel was participating in the 125th Boston Marathon when he stopped to administer CPR on Roth. Muehlschlegel is the attending cardiovascular anesthesiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, where he is also the Vice Chair of Research, the Director of Cardiac Anesthesia Research, and an Associate Professor of Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School. Howe and Rogers were spectating at the 125th Boston Marathon when they jumped into action

to administer aid to Roth as well. Howe is a nursing student at Boston College, and Rogers is a retired nurse.

First responders wrote messages and well-wishes to Roth on a Boston Marathon banner, and participated in a heartwarming video call after the medal ceremony.

"Thank you a million times again and again because I don't think I can ever truly thank you enough. I want you to know you mean the world to me," Roth wrote in a message to first responders. "I want you to know I will never stop living my life to the fullest. I'll never stop dreaming big and pursuing everything I want in life. I want you to know that if it wasn't for you, I just wouldn't be here to write this message. I wouldn't have the chance at the life I've always dreamed. Thank you for giving me my life back."

Thank you a million times again and again because I don't think I can ever truly thank you enough. – Meghan Roth