ADHD Power Tools is a webisode series I host with Brooke Schnittman MA, ACC, BCC. Brooke is a brilliant ADHD and Executive Function Coach. ADHD Power Tools comprises over 70 episodes covering numerous topics relating to ADHD. What's great about these episodes is the short duration of 3-12 minutes each episode. For ADHDers, shorter episodes are much easier to get through without being distracted or bored. ADHD Power Tools covers topics ranging from Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria to Prioritization to Imposter Syndrome.
ADHD Powers Tools has featured guests and will be featuring more in the future. These episodes can be played while doing busy work, such as organizing your office space or driving to work. You can let it play in the background as you multitask and get your To-do's done. ADHD Power Tools is produced by Different Brains 501(C)(3) and can be found on the Different Brains YouTube channel, social media platforms, and website ( differentbrains.org). Make sure to check out ADHD Power Tools whether you are an adult, parent, educator, or just someone simply interested in collecting some tools to add to your ADHD toolbox.
box. Links to ADHD Power Tools Episodes:
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria differentbrains.org/rejection-sensitive-dysphoria-adhd- power-tools-w-ali-idriss-brooke-schnittman
Imposter Syndrome differentbrains.org/imposter-syndrome-adhd-power- tools-w-ali-idriss-brooke-schnittman
Prioritization differentbrains.org/prioritization-adhd-power-tools-w-ali- idriss-brooke-schnittman
resources by advocating and collaborating as a community. Finally, we can embrace and be proud of our different brains. I don't think my hunt for new resources will ever end, and I'm okay with that, as it gives me something to chase after. •
Along with Reddit and Facebook, Twitter is another social media platform that acts as an excellent ADHD resource. With social media becoming a more significant part of our lives as time goes on, especially for younger generations, I think it’s so important to use it as a tool to improve our lives. Many ADHD advocates on Twitter tweet articles, tools, and many helpful resources. One of my favorites is @DaniDonovan, who creates incredible ADHD comics and art. Another excellent account to follow on Twitter is @TerryMatlen, an internationally recognized expert on Women with ADHD. Terry tweets news and resources that provide online support for Women and Moms with ADHD. Twitter has many more coaches and experts that you can follow and benefit from as you scroll through your social media feed. With Twitter, you can search hashtags like #ADHD or #AskADHD to see more tweets covering all things ADHD. You can also follow organizations like CHADD, Additude Mag, and Different Brains on Twitter to stay updated on any news or content they release.
Links to Twitter
Dani Donovan Twitter page twitter.com/danidonovan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7 Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Terry Matlen Twitter page: twitter.com/TerryMatlen?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle %7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
CHADD twitter.com/CHADD_ADHD?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7 Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
ADDitude Magazine twitter.com/ADDitudeMag?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle %7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Different Brains twitter.com/diffbrains?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7 Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
How To ADHD is a YouTube channel that Jessica McCabe, an ADHD self-advocate, runs. The channel provides videos with tips, strategies, and tools for all sorts of struggles and challenges ADHDers face. The channel has short videos covering motivation, goals, time management, relationships, communication, and so much more. Their videos are fantastic because of the animations and editing that make them very child-friendly, so parents and children can easily learn more about ADHD.
For students with ADHD like myself, it is important to stay educated on what accommodations are available. Jessica has videos covering accommodations titled: "How to Get School Accommodations" and "Struggling in College? 3 Steps to Student Accommodations". The channel has a playlist category called the "ADHD Tool Box," with many videos going over multiple ways to stay productive, organized, and efficient. How To ADHD also has a category of videos that go over the definitions for common ADHD terms that are educational for people who recently got diagnosed with ADHD and are interested in learning more about ADHD.
How to Get School Accommodations youtube.com/watch?v=PM2ebKO7yYM
Struggling in College? 3 Steps to Student Accommodations youtube.com/watch?v=IQDFG5LaVWI
ADHD Tool Box youtube.com/c/HowtoADHD/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&s helf_id=9

Ali Idriss is an intern with a Different Brains 501(C)(3) and ADHD self-advocate. He aspires to share his journey and help others with the tools that have allowed him to overcome many of the challenges along the way. He co-hosts the webisode series ADHD Power Tools and conducts research on college students with ADHD. Ali has also completed his bachelor's in Biological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University and is currently completing his second bachelor's in Neuroscience and Behavior. He is also an Emergency Medical Technician at American Medical Response and is aspiring to become a physician.