ALWAYS LEARNING: The author at work on his studies; He is currently completing his second bachelor's in Neuroscience and Behavior.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting about 11% of school-age children and almost 5% of adults. Common ADHD symptoms include inattention, weak impulse control, executive dysfunction, and hyperactivity. It is said that symptoms continue into adulthood in more than three-quarters of cases. To read more about ADHD, visit additudemag.com/what-is-adhd-symptoms- causes-treatments or chadd.org/about-adhd/overview
I bet you’re asking yourself, “Don’t many people experience these listed symptoms?” The answer is yes, but with ADHD, all these symptoms are amped up and persistent, which can interfere with many aspects of life and potentially cause serious consequences, including school failure, family stress, relationship issues, substance abuse, and job failure. Without early identification and treatment individuals with ADHD can face serious consequences as previously listed.
I bet you’re asking yourself, “Don’t many people experience these listed symptoms?” The answer is yes, but with ADHD, all these symptoms are amped up and persistent, which can interfere with many aspects of life and potentially cause serious consequences, including school failure, family stress, relationship issues, substance abuse, and job failure. Without early identification and treatment individuals with ADHD can face serious consequences as previously listed.
Ever since I was diagnosed with ADHD at age seven, I've been on a constant hunt for resources to help better educate myself on the disorder and tap into my true potential. I am currently 23 years old and have collected a handful of resources that have helped me overcome many challenges throughout my life. However, I am still looking for more and will continue to understand my ADHD day by day better.