WEIGHT FOR IT: Persons with disabilities and their caregivers are invited to participate up to four days a week, exercising one-on one with a Rowan fitness trainer.
The Get FIT movement began in 2008 and soon after, the Center on Nutrition and Disability was established. Each consists of an array of health resources available to families and professionals statewide.
Collaboration has been at the heart of the expansion and impact of the movement. Collectively with self-advocates, caregivers, disability providers, universities, stakeholders and community-based organizations, we offer relevant support and resources to New Jersey families. Get FIT ( and The Center on Nutrition and Disability ( involve socialization for all, professional development for students of Public Health and Wellness students, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, relevant nutrition education resources, and a healthy relationship with fitness and nutrition. Rowan University and Stockton University are the primary partners
with the Family Resource Network in this effort in southern NJ. As the Get FIT and The Center's Collaborative continues to grow, we aim to involve additional community organizations to incorporate the evidence-based best practices and training available to enable more New Jerseyans with disabilities to reach their health and nutrition goals across their lifespan.
At the Network, we intake each individual caller utilizing a whole-person approach. Many individuals and families reach out to us through our Information & Referral Services (800-372-6510) and are either directly connected to a program at the Network or referred to another local community organization. This article features the health, nutrition, and fitness resources available through The Network and the Get FIT Coalition.
The Center (609-392-4900) is a virtual nutrition hub that houses educational webinars, cookbooks, recipe videos, and resources to support families in their health journeys. With support from the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDS) and New Jersey Healthy Communities Network, The Center's Collaborative has