Virtual Learning: From Stressful to Successful

Even though many students had months to transition to online learning, it can still feel like a struggle. Learning online takes focus, routine, connection, and compassion: take a deep breath, celebrate small victories, ask for help, and try your best. Here are five tips for improving your online class experience:

Use a Planner

Planners are excellent for setting deadlines,
staying on target, and scheduling time-slotted tasks for each school day. A phone or computer calendar may be an excellent option, but nothing beats the satisfaction of physically crossing items off a to-do list.

As comfortable as Zooming-while-lounging can be, establishing a dedicated workspace is essential to being more productive. Pick a quiet place away from roommates or family members, preferably one with a desk or table, and use noise-canceling headphones to block distractions. Take the first ten minutes of each day to decorate, organize, and declutter your workspace.