Collection of waste in alleys is much more challenging than on streets given the differences in dimensions, infrastructure conditions, encroachments, illegally parked cars, utility companies service vehicles blocking the way, presence of needles, etc.

The current contractor for waste collection in the City of Windsor has raised the issues related to alley collection as a health and safety concern. Therefore, there is a risk of potential future work refusals should the alleys not be significantly repaired and maintained on a regular and ongoing basis.

There are currently 219 residential blocks with alley garbage collection. Of those, 18% (40 blocks) receive all 3 waste collection services in the alley and are largely alleys on one-way streets. Pick up of garbage on these one-way streets would require specialized equipment not specified in the City of Windsor collection contracts, and would result in a material and costly change to the contract. It is recommended, therefore, that these residential blocks continue to receive alley collection until at least the next collection contract is negotiated.

The remaining 82% (179 blocks) receive only garbage collection in the alley. Recycling and yard waste collection are collected curbside in front of the home. These blocks could have garbage collection relocated to curbside in front of the home without incurring any additional cost from the contractor for the change.

Attachment 1 illustrate the alleys where waste is currently collected (residential only), and attachment 2 illustrates only the alleys that receive collection of all 3 waste streams in the alley.

Options available to Council:

  1. Make no changes to collection and invest significant capital and operating funds to repair and maintain alleys with waste collection . This will certainly be the preference of many residents who have enjoyed many years of alley collection. However, there are some residents that have voiced a desire to move garbage collection out of the alley as even the garbage pails themselves can block access to their property. In order to keep garbage collection in the alley and avoid any service disruption from the Contractor, significant investment in repair and maintenance will be required on an ongoing basis. Further detail is provided in the Financial Section.

  2. Change all collection points possible . As illustrated in the attachments, this is a large task, involving 179 out of 219 residential blocks that currently receive garbage collection in the alley. Should Council wish to move in this direction, Administration recommends a systematic approach, whereby changes are made over several months. This will allow proper communication, monitoring and follow up by Environmental Services. Administration also recommends stakeholder and public consultation be arranged prior to any changes so that all concerns can be identified. This option also positions the City in a favorable condition to achieve economies of scale when food and organic waste collection is introduced, as this collection would necessitate curbside collection. It should be noted that investment in repair and maintenance of the 40 blocks for which