Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Stephen Laforet, Fire Chief, appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Services Standing Committee via video conference regarding the administrative report entitled “Designation of Transit as an Essential Service – City Wide” as the keeper of the Emergency Plan and provides details of the plan and the nature of services contained within the plan. Chief Laforet indicates that latitude when responding to an emergency is paramount. Chief Laforet adds that certain things must be kept running at all costs, such as pollution control and the water system. Chief Laforet adds that prioritizing and listing out critical infrastructure needs is important.

Councillor McKenzie comments about the process of e-mail polls being confirmed and ratified at a future meeting and inquires whether this can be a unilateral action under the Emergency Measures with decisions being confirmed and ratified using the same process. Chief Laforet indicates that other municipalities may be using this system although moving in that direction may be affected by the type of emergency. Chief Laforet adds that the period of time at the on-set of the emergency/pandemic and the speed at which restrictions and information was changing, administration had to pivot and change plans quickly. During a more prolonged response, this approach may be appropriate. Ms. Askin Hager relates this to the mask by-law that was enacted, which was temporary, and then a debate occurred during a Council Meeting with a decision to prolong the mask by-law being decided upon. Ms. Askin Hager adds that an effective period is imposed by the head of council and that the order would be effective for a period of time.

Councillor McKenzie inquires as to whether there is some balance or middle ground with these extraordinary powers, which would normalize governing the City under pandemic protocols. Chief Laforet indicates that there may be value for administration to review their EMP and ask for suggestions from administration related to how they can improve the implementation of measures from governance and public input point of view. Ms. Askin Hager indicates that administration would be very reluctant to recommend a procedural mechanism to override the EMPCA, specific circumstances may be warranted, but limits on the authority would not be something that administration could recommend. Ms. Askin Hager indicates that individual situations can be identified which may help highlight what the risks are.

Councillor McKenzie inquires about a broader review. Administration indicates that impacts across different sectors would need to be addressed.

Councillor Costante inquires about transit as a municipal service, and whether it is considered essential. Administration indicates there is no designation overall, although within the particular plan, it is listed that way, and adds that it is important to be mindful of the context of describing it.

Councillor Costante inquires as to labour implications. Transit would be different than legislated services, such as Police and Fire.

Councillor Kaschak inquires as to Transit Windsor and whether there is a business continuity plan. Chief Laforet indicates that the Emergency Planner is working with a number of different departments in the City to ensure that they have a continuity plan. Each area would develop their own Continuity plan with the Emergency Planner providing assistance as necessary. Chief Laforet