Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

adds that, through the PwC audit, all the directives were implemented, and Fire is currently working on an after action response plan related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moved by: Councillor Costante 

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 798

THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee related to the implications of vesting powers in the whole of Council to make decisions regarding Transit during a time of crisis or pandemic.


Councillor Francis voting nay.

Report Number: S 157/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786 & MT2020

9.2. Specialized Transit - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Francis


Decision Number: ETPS 799

THAT the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and City Council:

  1. DIRECT ADMINISTRATION to re-negotiate an agreement with Handi-Transit; and,

  2. THAT the Chair of the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and the Executive Director of Transit Windsor BE AUTHORIZED to sign a contract with Handi-Transit satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in technical content to the City Engineer; and,

  3. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to conduct a service review every three (3) years.


Report Number: S 149/2020

Clerk’s File: MT2020

9.3. The Contributory Pension Plan for Employees of Transit Windsor - Plan Amendment - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 800

THAT the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee, sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors, and City Council: