December 14, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Additional Information to Report S 91/2020 

From: Fran Cadotte
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 12:51 PM
To: clerks < >
Subject: Re: Notice of Public Meeting File #ZNG/6070 Z-009/20

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My name if Mary Fran Cadotte and I reside at 222 Elm Avenue Windsor. I wish to submit the following comments to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee.

I have discussed all the proposed zoning changes with Greg Atkinson of the City of Windsor Planning Department. I became particularly concerned when one of the amendments listed said “0 required visitor parking spaces.” Greg provided the following explanation. Required visitor parking spaces come out of the overall residential parking requirement (i.e. 15%). This would mean that 19 out of 133 spaces would have to be reserved for visitor parking. Because the site will also have 105 commercial parking spaces, visitor parking is proposed to be shared with commercial parking, which would leave each dwelling unit with a dedicated parking space.

He also explained what it means when it states “required parking spaces on a property adjacent to the dwelling units they are intended to serve.” These parking spaces will all be within the existing property lot lines.

Clearly, there will be enough parking/visitor spots and the residents of Elm Avenue should not be affected by these proposed zoning amendments.

I am in favor of this development and would like to see it move forward without any further delays. I believe it will increase the value of all the residential properties abutting this current unsightly plot of land.

Thank you!

Mary Fran Cadotte

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