ZNG-026/20 (ZNG/6173)

Children’s Safety

The developer’s Planning Justification Report (PJR) omits to include that there are two operational primary schools – Eastwood Public School and HJ Lassaline Elementary School and a daycare located inside the Salvation Army at 3199 Lauzon Road. It is very odd that the daycare and the Eastwood Public Elementary school are not mentioned in the report.

Some of these young primary school aged children walk to and from school and would certainly be impacted by the increased traffic at this already busy intersection of two Class I Collector roads (Lauzon and Forest Glade Drive).


The residential, environmental and vehicular traffic impact on this residential single detached neighbourhood is too large not to ignore. We also have approximately 175 residents who have signed a petition opposing this re-zoning and development. This petition is ever-growing.

We are asking the members of the committee to deny this application and to have the developer reconsider the type of housing development. The developer could in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood build several large single detach homes which would still be profitable and be welcomed by the surrounding residents and serve as a viable municipal tax base.


Jacqueline Roy-Proulx and Daniel Proulx
3130 Lauzon Road, Windsor.